
Retrenchment: more than 50 employees


1.5.1. Appointment of a facilitator
1.5.2. Sixty days allowed for consultation/facilitation
1.5.3. The consultation process
1.5.4. After the 60 days


1.1.11 Notice of intention to retrench
1.4.6 Retrenchment advice

Retrenchment: less than 50 employees


1.4.1. What is meant by retrenchment?
1.4.2. Under what circumstances can employees be retrenched?
1.4.3. Duty to consult
1.4.4. What selection criteria should be used?
1.4.5. How can retrenchments be avoided or minimized?
1.4.6. Timing of the dismissals
1.4.7. Mitigating the adverse effects of retrenchment
1.4.8. Severance pay


1.4.6 Retrenchment advice - Example of letter terminating services

Dismissal based on poor work performance


1.1.1 - Clarifying poor work performance
1.1.2 - Unable or unwilling to meet performance standards
1.1.3 - Procedure for dealing with poor work performance
1.1.4 - Considerations for dismissal for poor performance
1.1.5 - Parties involved
1.1.6 - Probationers and poor work performance


1.1.11. Notice of intention to retrench
1.1.22 Performance Management Cycle and Forms
1.1.23 - Notice to attend a poor work performance counseling session
1.1.24 - Disciplinary finding for work performance
1.1.25 - Official record of poor work performance inquiry
1.2.4 - Dismissal for poor work performance : employees other than probationary employees
1.2.5 - Poor work performance counselling session
1.2.6 - Poor work performance hearing
1.2.7 - Checklist for dismissal for operational requirements
1.2.8 - Checklist for dismissals
1.3.2 - Notice of dismissal
2.1.6 - Poor work performance hearing


1.2.1 Employee orientation checklist
1.2.2 Notification to attend an incapacity investigation
1.2.3 Employee take-on --- termination checklist
1.2.4 Dismissal for poor work performance - employees other than probationary employees
1.2.5 Poor work performance counselling session


1.4.1 Example of an employment contract
1.4.2 Fixed term contract of employment
1.4.3 Letter of appointment of an independent contractor
1.4.6 Retrenchment advice - example of letter terminating services
1.4.7.a Agreement entered into between re overtime - employees

Major Hazard Installation comes under a spotlight at Polokwane Labour Seminar

A seminar on Major Hazard Installation (MHI) was on Thursday told about the importance of all facilities holding Hazardous Chemicals Substances in large quantities to notify local authorities as well as the Department of Labour about their profiles.
Rachel Aphane, Specialist for Major Hazard Installation in the Department of Labour, was speaking at the MHI event organised by the department in Polokwane, attended by over 100 stakeholders from organised business, local authorities and members of the public.